Many parents are dissatisfied with the education system and its limitations. In fact, the number of homeschoolers has been continually increasing over the past years. That is not surprising. After all, homeschooling allows both parents and kids to take control

Advantages of Home Schooling
The many benefits of homeschooling mean more kids and teens than ever are learning at home. Families want the advantages of homeschooling, with the flexibility, academic benefits, efficiency, and opportunities homeschooling can offer. They seek an education and even a

Onesies Are The New Fashion Trend Everyone Is Talking About
Both adults and children can wear this clothing. The primary requirement is that it should be free, comfortable and fit to grow. The Inventor of the Onesie: Winston Churchill had laid down the basics that had been innovated since his

Awesome Best Friend Bracelet Ideas You Need To Know
People of all ages wear silver bracelets. With their help they create an image, emphasize the beauty of the wrists, and attract attention. Over the centuries of their existence, they have changed their appearance depending on fashion. Modern jewelry boutiques

The Negative Effects and Aspects of Homeschooling
More parents are choosing to homeschool their children because they see the many benefits of homeschooling, differences in ideology and issues with public school policy are only a few reasons why some parents choose homeschooling over public or private schools.

Large Nesting Dolls That Will Surely Make You Proud
The idea of creating detachable wooden large nesting dolls was suggested by S.V. Malyutin a Japanese toy, brought from the island of Honshu by the wife of S.I. Mamontov. It was the figure of a good-natured bald old man, the

Confessions of a Homeschooling Mom
“Do you knit?” I asked my friend Stacey, who sat beside me at a table near our sons’ fine arts classes. I pointed at some moms across the room who were furiously working with their needles. “No. Don’t knit. I

A New Journey: Homeschooling
My childhood self always dreamed of growing up to become an artist, a writer, an interior designer and a teacher. I went to college and earned my degree in interior design. Check one. I got married, started a family, decided

Squishies – Everything You Need to Know
Kids are collectors by nature, and all kids love trends. The latest trend in the world of toys comes from Japan. We get many questions about Squishies, so we decided to finally answer them all. What are Squishies? Squishies

8 Genius Ideas for your Homeschool
I’ve been a homeschooling mom for 20 years, and I’ve graduated three students. Two are college graduates, and the third is working on his degree. After adopting seven more children I’m starting completely over. The most genius thing I’m doing