If you’re new to home schooling, you probably don’t know how it works. With these online meetings, you will get a grasp of how home schooling can be better for our children along with some detailed information.
Coming Home: Transitioning from School to Homeschool
FREE! Friday, August 21, at 2 p.m.
The first day you sent your child off to school was a big transition. Bringing your child home from school is as well! Learn what to anticipate as you leave the classroom behind, reset your thinking, and prepare for something different. You can homeschool without a traditional schedule, without co-ops and outside classes, and without covering every subject every day. Learn to relieve undue pressure and transition into a homeschool lifestyle that works for you!
How to Choose a Curriculum
FREE! Tuesday, September 22, at 2 p.m.
Get a brief overview of six different teaching methods—from the classical approach to relaxed homeschooling. Hear lots of practical suggestions for choosing curriculum and where to find the resources you need.
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